I had the pleasure to once again dive the Keys reefs with my son Scott.  Although visibility was not the best, we had a nice dive with encounters with sting rays, sharks, barracuda.  I captured some good video of the dive, including a very colorful Queen Angelfish.  The water was about 5 degrees above normal, making for a very nice experience.  Its alway fun to share my passion for scuba diving with my son.  The video of this dive has been posted on the new content page of this website and can also be found on my Youtube channel: markhewitt3.  Or click below to watch.


Video highlights of of a Dec 15th, 2015 dive at Molasses Reef with my son Scott. Featuring sting ray, barracuda, hogfish, queen angel fish, sea cucumber and a nurse shark..

Scott Hewitt

Scott Hewitt